Our People
At Oltec Group, we place people at the centre of our mission. We believe that investing in our staff's expertise and development is important to provide unique service to all our clients. That's why we provide the best training solutions, ensuring our team members have the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles.
Whether it's technical training, soft skills development, or leadership coaching, we are committed to investing in our staff's growth and development.
Our continued investment in their growth ensures that we maintain the highest level of quality in all our endeavours, both now and in the future.
VAT No. 294 8563 07 | Company Reg. No. 516548
Gender pay gap report
208 Wigan Road, Wigan, Lancashire, United Kingdom, WN2 3BU
Nature of business (SIC)
Administrative and support service activities.
Employer Size
500 to 999 employees.
Difference in hourly rate
► About mean and median
Women’s mean hourly rate is 1% lower than men’s.
In other words when comparing mean hourly rates, women earn 99p for every £1 that men earn.
Women’s median hourly rate is 2% higher than men’s.
In other words when comparing median hourly rates, women earn £1.02 for every £1 that men earn.
Proportion of women in each pay quartile
► About quartiles
Top quartile (highest paid).
28% of the top quartile are women
Upper middle quartile.
44% of the upper middle quartile are women
Lower middle quartile.
14% of the lower middle quartile are women
Lower quartile (lowest paid).
7% of the lower quartile are women
Who received bonus pay
4% of women.
15% of men.
Difference in bonus pay
Women’s mean bonus pay is 0% lower than men’s.
Women’s median bonus pay is 0% lower than men’s.